Time Restaurant,Bar in Philadelphia
Owner not registered
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Price & Cuisine
American, Bar, Contemporary
Establishment type
Restaurant, Bar
After a long walk around Wells Fargo History Museum, visit this bar and have a rest here. Try nicely cooked mussels, deviled eggs and grilled octopus. Many visitors come to order good bread pudding, brioche toasts and apple turnover. This place is famous for delicious scotch, bourbon or absinthe. Take your chance to taste great espresso or good tea. At Time, guests can celebrate any event: a wedding, anniversary or birthday party. Most users mention that the staff is energetic. Service at this place is something one can call enjoyable. Prices here are reported to be average. There is a comfortable ambiance and lovely decor at this spot. Google gives it 4.4 so you can select this bar to have a good time here.