Horribly overpriced and disgusting how they can charge almost $6.00 or more on many items than a typical grocery store. They should be ashamed for their poor customer service and meanness towards senior citizens on a fixed budget or the lower income of Liberty. They have prices that are far higher than what the should be and they do it because they know many can’t drive to cheaper options. They post a sale paper weekly but, almost every resident knows that when you leave they have almost always charged you the regular price not the sale price and when you question them they have some smart mouthed teenager say “we are short handed we can’t always change the system and prices to match” that is just a poor excuse from poor management. If Liberty would move from the old school thinking and start caring for their residents then competition could be brought in and give a fair chance to everyone. Those local officials who will keep getting voted in partly due to corruption can afford to pay the high prices but the average resident can’t and how this has been allowed to happen is sad and a total injustice.