While I typically avoid chain convenience stores like Holiday (similar to Denny's in that one doesn't actively choose to go there but somehow ends up doing so), this particular location stands out as it's franchise-owned, setting it apart.
Firstly, cleanliness is a constant here, and they consistently stock everything one might need in case of running out of something. Secondly, their hot sandwiches and similar items have never disappointed me; I can't recall a single instance of receiving a cold sandwich or one that suffered under the heat lamps. Thirdly, Len, the manager, exhibits effective store management skills, and employees like Josh and others (apologies for forgetting their names) reflect the same positive attitude.
In conclusion, I came across another review giving them just one star due to slightly higher fuel prices. All I can say is, if you're not willing to support a local business, it's your loss. The mention of this reviewer who I'll refer to as "Karen" needs to find a new hobby feels apt if she's worried about a nickel.