The doughnuts are good but they rip you off. Almost 20 dollars for a dozen. They are not clear on their prices either. The girls in both shop here in town are always rude. After giving them my business for a few years, I'm going to have to stop from here on out.
***to add to your very rude reply, I said ALMOST 20 for a dozen and yes your menu prices are close. I never said I paid 20. And you were NOT clear. I specifically asked if the bottom 2 rows were the doughnuts that are considered regular and the lady said yes!! She NEVER mentioned regular doughnuts with sprinkles were more so you're absolutely wrong. And it's not reasonable compared to places in Lodi or Elk Grove. I am not the only one in Galt to express this, I am just the one who made a review which was very truthful!!!! And even 14.50 is still alot for plain round doughnuts so the least you can do is be kind and have good customer service but you don't care about customers because I am sure you will make your money anyways. Just not from me and my family or friends anymore. What a rude response!!! To elaborate, a couple of my friends are teachers who have stated they will not return and if your customers are happy then maybe you should read the reviews from your twin cities location because they say otherwise.