店主精心主打千層蛋糕。 一個冬天路經有緣見到。坐下一個靜靜品嚐。
小店設計大方白色別緻配搭。 高樓底可見樓上鋪乃其工作室。 內一角可坐兩三人。主打外賣。
✅玫瑰千層蛋糕一件 $42 mop / slice Rose crêpe.
✅冷泡茶 $28 Cold brewed tea.
✅芒果汁 $12 Mango juice.
Owner specializes in Crêpe cakes. Passby one winter by chance. Sat down indulging the sweet moment.
Petite shop design looks grand with high floor ceiling, can look up to the second floor baking workshop, white colour simplicity theme. Two to three people can be seated in the inner corner. Mainly for pickup / takeout.
IG: mugsaka