Knotty Pine Brewing Restaurant,Bar in Columbus
Owner not registered
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Price & Cuisine
American, Bar, Pub
Establishment type
Restaurant, Bar
Enjoy Ohio Craft Museum by default, the guests' recommendation is to visit this bar as well. You can share tasty Bbq pizza, coconut shrimps and prosciutto with your friends and spend a nice time here. Many people visit Knotty Pine Brewing to taste good biscuits, Brezeln and waffles. Based on the reviewers' opinions, waiters serve delicious craft beer, lager or Mimosas. Here you may drink great coffee. Choose between indoor and outdoor seating. The friendly staff at this place can demonstrate how much they value their customers. The fine service is something these restaurateurs care about. You will appreciate democratic prices. There is an exotic atmosphere and cute decor at this spot. The Facebook rating shows that this bar granted 4.1 stars.